Welcome to our market training on God’s Economic System! Registration is free. The training courses have been developed based on God’s word in the scriptures and the insights given by the Holy Spirit. God wants you to prosper financially, and He wants to show you how.

So please go ahead and explore this awesome training at your own pace. For ease of understanding, you are advised to go through the courses and lessons in the order in which they are presented on this page (left to right, then down the list). Each course and lesson assumes you have gone through the previous one. Ensure you mark each lesson you take as ‘complete’. The system requires this to track your progress.

The conclusions for each lesson are based on the Bible, with the relevant scripture texts quoted. Go through each lesson thoughtfully and meditate on its conclusions. Also, take out a minute or two to pray in line with the prayer points raised for each lesson. God hears you and will honour the humility and honesty of your heart. Dive in today. You will be glad you did.