Prayer that Moves Mountains – the courses on this website portray to you a lifestyle that requires supernatural interventions. This is true. A supernatural power must move things in your favour to make the lifestyle we project to you a reality.
The planet earth is not a self-sustaining ecosystem; it requires the heavens (sky and clouds, sun, moon, and stars) for it to survive and flourish. For example, without the sun, there will be no photosynthesis in the plants. In the absence of this critical food production process, there will be low agricultural yield and hunger. Similarly, the human being is also not a self-sustaining entity; we require heaven’s (God) interventions in our daily lives to survive and flourish.
Prayer is the mechanism God has given to human beings to interact with Him. We secure God’s supernatural interventions in our lives, careers, and businesses by praying. A vivid picture of how prayer works was given to Jacob in a dream. He saw a ladder set up on the earth with its top reaching heaven. Jacob was at the bottom of the ladder and God was at the top of it. And angels of God (invisible spirit beings that manipulate earthly events) were going up and down this ladder (Genesis 28:10-22). A natural version of the prayer mechanism is the process by which we get rain from the sky. Science tells us that rain clouds are formed through a process of evaporation. This is invisible (not visible to the naked eyes) movement of vapour from water bodies on the earth to the sky to form rain clouds, that later come back as rain drops that we see and feel. Prayer is spiritual (invisible) in its operations, but it gives real impact you can see and handle.
This course will not take you through a detailed training on prayer. You should take advantage of several books that have been written on the subject. However, the course will teach you how to pray when you are going through life’s storms. This could be a financial crisis, health crisis, or any other issue in life that really troubles you. Such crises tend to become mountains in our hearts/sight, making it difficult to trust God. This course will teach you how to secure God’s intervention when going through a storm.
God asked me to develop this course as I went through a personal life storm. So severe was the issue that I was afraid and had deep sorrow and pain in my heart. My wife could hardly get a good night sleep and at some point, we shook with fear. The lessons in this course represents what God taught us as we went through the storm. They are forged from our experience, and they will help you. God remains a very present help in time of trouble (Psalm 46:1-3).
We recommend that you take this course after taking the ‘Giving to God’ course. At the end of this course, remember to take the quizzes or assignments for the course (if any). It will deepen your understanding and help us monitor your progress.