Faith to be Perfect – the focus of this course is ‘Faith’. This is an important subject to discuss now that you have gone through the courses on the Perfect Economy and God’s Economic System. To remind you, we have defined the Perfect Economy as one in which God is the source and focus of all business and economic activities. We also concluded that the Perfect Economy is spiritual in its operations and physical in its impact. And that God requires you to be ‘perfect’ for you to successfully operate in the perfect economy and reap its benefits.
The question then is: how can I become ‘perfect’? Answering this question requires the definition of two concepts within the context of our discussion – they are ‘Faith’ and ‘Perfection’. These two concepts are the foundational requirements for you to operate in God’s economic system. We define them as follows:
- Faith – the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see (Hebrews 11:1) (NLT)
- Perfection – this is pleasing God by making Him the source and focus of all my business and economic activities
In Hebrews 11:6 we learn that it is impossible to please God without faith. In other words, and within the context of our discussion, it is impossible to be ‘perfect’ without faith. If you want to operate in the perfect economy, you will have to believe that God exists and that He rewards those who sincerely seek Him. This course therefore teaches you faith to become ‘perfect’. It does so by taking faith lessons from the lives of the patriarchs profiled in the Bible.
We strongly recommend that you take this course after your training on ‘Restoring God’s Economic System to the World’. At the end of this course, remember to take the quizzes or assignments for the course. It will deepen your understanding and help us monitor your progress.