God’s Economic System
“There is no one who researches into God’s Economic System whose finances will not improve”
God’s Economic System – God created the earth and everything in it. He formed the first man (Adam) and allocated a garden to him as his first workplace and home. God asked Adam to oversee the garden’s production process – this was his first job. He permitted him to eat the fruit of the trees in the garden as his food – this was his first income. Following this, God determined that Adam required company. So, God formed the animals and the first woman (Eve). Adam collaborated with this initiative by naming each of them. And it was regular practice for God to visit the garden to see how things were going (Genesis 2).
The above describes the establishment of the first economy on earth. It is a system established by God, with humans as His co-workers. In this system, God always took the initiative and Adam collaborated with Him. Let’s call this God’s Economic System (GES).
The Babylonian Economic System – Sometime after the establishment of God’s Economic System, Adam and Eve listened to the serpent (Satan) and disobeyed God. They followed the initiative of the serpent to eat the fruit of the tree forbidden by God. The first family was consequently driven from the garden, thereby losing their land, home, jobs, and income. They were condemned to a life characterized by dependence on human toil and sweat. Collaboration with God and the free resources and know-how it delivered was now significantly reduced. They had to build a new economy that included dependence on their human ideas, efforts, and strength. In this new system, oppression and violence became distinct possibilities. For example, Cain their first child killed Abel his brother due to envy, for circumstances relating to financial prosperity. We call this alternative economy the Babylonian Economic System (BES). Please read about it in Genesis 3 and 4.
The BES is named after Babylon for two major reasons: (1) It was the first global empire that conquered sinful Jerusalem, a city meant to serve as the epicenter of God’s Economic System. It did this by oppression and violence. They attacked Jerusalem, defeated them, and relocated the choicest people from their native land into Babylon (2 Kings 24:10-16). Like what happened to Adam and Eve, those conquered lost their lands, homes, jobs, and incomes to start afresh in a strange country. Please read Daniel 2:27-49 and Psalm 137. (2) The Bible identifies Babylon as the unseen ‘city’ (culture) driving commerce in the world – please read Revelation 17 and 18.
Today (2020), almost all players in the global economy function in the Babylonian Economic System. Governments, businesses, families, and individuals do not take initiatives from God. We depend on our human ideas, efforts, strength, and network. We have been deceived to rely on ourselves and not God for our financial sustenance. As captives of the BES, we have been conquered and relocated from the wealth God wants to freely give to each of us, and in its place forced to be satisfied with the pittance (in comparison) that our toil and sweat delivers to us. The BES has taught us to take God out of the equation, while placing reliance on our skills, competences, and ideas.
The objective of this course is to remind us of God’s Economic System. The interesting thing about GES is that it does not have to be adopted by your government before you can enjoy its benefits. God’s Economic System is spiritual in its operations and material in its impact. It will literally transform your business and personal finances for the better. Operating in it will make you wealthy in a sustainable manner. It is what Proverbs 10:22 refers to when it says: “the blessing of the Lord, it makes rich, and He adds no sorrow with it”. It is unlike the BES that delivers materialism, oppression, violence, poverty, and inequality to the world. It (GES) does not make a few people rich and the majority poor, as it is in our world today.
We recommend that you take this course after you have taken the ‘Perfect Economy’ and ‘Why there is Chaos in the Global Economy’ courses. The next course you should take after this is ‘The True State of the Global Economy’. At the end of the course, remember to take the quizzes or assignments for the course. It will deepen your understanding and help us monitor your progress.
Course Features
- Lectures 12
- Quizzes 1
- Duration 10 weeks
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 3
- Assessments Self
The Structure of God's Economic System
- Understanding God’s Economic System
- God’s Role in the Economy
- The Underlying Principle for Prosperity
- The Net Profit is for You and the Poor
- The Financial Centers of God’s Economic System
- The Functions of God’s Financial Centers
- The Investment Vehicles of God’s Economic System (I)
- The Investment Vehicles of God’s Economic System (II)
- God’s Sovereign Wealth Fund
- The Funding Windows of God’s Sovereign Wealth Fund
- Bank Accounts in Heaven
- Contrasting God’s Economic System with the World’s Economic System
- Quiz for God’s Economic System