We are a place of refuge to distressed businesses; families and individuals in debt; and indigent persons who lack the necessities of food, clothing and shelter.

Who We Are

Adullam is an organisation set up to propagate the concept of God’s Economic System around the world. By God’s Economic System, we mean the values, principles and procedures for business as established by God in the holy scriptures (the Bible). God’s Economic System is an alternative to the corrupt capitalist system that is the bedrock of today’s global economy.

The legacy of corrupt capitalism has been global inequality on a massive scale. Today, the top 10% of wealthy people in the world control over 80% of global wealth. And there are billions of people across the globe who struggle daily to earn a decent income. This is certainly not the way God designed the world to function.

Our Focus

Our focus as an organisation is to assist the victims of materialism, poverty, and inequality. We do this by showing them an alternative way (God’s Economic System) to manage their businesses and personal finances. We propagate God’s Economic System through free online training courses, free consultation sessions with our faculty of Advisors (via email), grant administration on behalf of donors, equity investments in deserving businesses, and livelihood support to indigent people. Come in today and get yourself trained. There is a whole new world of adventure in God waiting for you!