How to Navigate Times of Trouble – Our generation will experience times of unprecedented trouble. The days of trouble unsettle us. They turn our worlds upside down. We are filled with fears and we long for peace and quiet.
Troubles arise from various causes and manifest in various ways. Geopolitical tensions between countries cause wars and rumours of wars. They can lead to economic crises and personal financial troubles. There can be trouble also in the workplace due to revenue shortfalls, office politics, etc. Health challenges are another form of trouble. So are family challenges such as a divorce, errant children, unpleasant in-laws, etc.
The question is: how should we navigate through these times of trouble? This series of posts teach us that we can learn from generations gone by. God is sending this word to us and encouraging our hearts. If you want to get through these troubled waters, you have to let God be the pilot of your ship. You hang your hopes on Him and put your fate in His hands. Just as you sit in an aircraft and allow the pilot to drive, this series will teach you to trust God absolutely.