The Eternal Salvation of Mankind – the salvation of mankind is a package given to us when we believe in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ with our hearts and confess so with our mouths. However, as when God created the earth but only planted a garden, so the benefit of salvation seems limited to the regeneration of the human spirit in the first instance. But it is a full package of salvation benefits that is given to us, just as the earth created by God was packed with all the wonders of industry, science, and technology that we see in our world today.
It took research, knowledge, and work over thousands of years to develop the potentials of the earth into the world we now enjoy. It will similarly take wisdom and revelation, and spiritual labour (prayers, personal bible study, etc.) to work out the full benefits of the eternal salvation package in our individual lives (Philippians 2:12).
When God gave us Jesus Christ, He gave us His best. When He gave us the Holy Spirit, He gave us His all. In Jesus Christ the full package of salvation is given to us. In the Holy Spirit we develop our understanding of the package, appropriate it, and enjoy its awesome benefits. This series of posts reveal to us the portrait of a human being who has fully developed the benefits of the salvation package in his/her life. Such people live as kings on the earth and are not fazed by any challenge of life.