Making Sense of our World Today

This post is sequel to the post: “A Loving Message from God to All in the Global Economy”. It is advised that you read the first post alongside this one. This post is being published in February 2021, but the events it describes will only be fully felt a few years from now. The world is headed for a rough and tough time of political, social and economic challenges. This post has been written (based on Isaiah chapters 1-4) to help you make sense of it all, and to point you in the right direction in your decision making. (Adullam Advisor, February 2021)
- The countries of the world are children of God who He birthed, nourished and brought up. It is God who developed the nations of the earth. And as parents teach their children to behave right and correct them when they fail to comply, so also does God have expectations for a godly culture from the nations of the world.
- The nations have rebelled against God. They have done this by adopting cultures that are alien to godly values. They have departed from the culture of God that is predicated on righteousness and justice.
- The rebellion of the nations and adoption of ungodly cultures have led to the corruption of good morals. The outcome is the current political, social and economic challenges we face in our societies today. Examples of the cultures adopted by the nations in defiance to God are as follows:
- The choice of half-truths, covert lies, and bad news (fear and terror) as the preferred news by the media industry – thus creating disinformation, anxieties and depression in our hearts, social upheavals in our soceities, etc.
- Corruption and greed in our politics such that the decisions of government are driven by the narrow interests of campaign donors and the need to win the next election, rather than truth and the common good
- Atheistic philosophy and liberalism driving our educational system rather than the truth of God’s word. For example, taking prayers out of schools to satisfy secularism, the false theory of human evolution from apes in our textbooks, etc.
- Covetousness and lies driving our economies, leading to excessive materialism, inequalities and poverty
- Deception, idolatry and demonic rituals in our religion
- Lust and seduction as arts, music and entertainment
- Hatred and rejection in our families between parents and children, among siblings, and between husband and wife
- The nations must cleanse themselves of godless cultures and learn to do what is right before God. Among others, godly cultures include:
- The media industry filling the airwaves with news and stories of nobility, truth, justice and good deeds done by people. The replicative effects of these news will make our soceities a lot healthier than they are today
- Integrity, contentment and civil righteousness and justice in our governments and politicians
- Dependence on faith and divinely revealed truths in the Bible as the bedrocks of our education and understanding of human rights
- Graciousness, compassion and righteousness in the conduct of business and management of our economies
- Taking care of the vulnerable in our socities (widows, orphans, etc.); including prayers and true worship to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, and living above sin through the power of the Holy Spirit
- Sexual chastity, self-control and denial of over-indulgence in the pleasures afforded by our arts, music, sports, fashion and entertainment
- Preservation of appropriate family values based on loving parents, obedient children, and appropriate discipline
- The widespread adoption of ungodly cultures always lead to terrible consequences for society. Societies are peaceful and prosperous when they are led by men and women with godly values and good moral conduct. Conversely when most people in a country adopt the wrong cultures as a way of life, godly men and women upon which the foundations of their societies are built will be replaced with the ungodly of their society. The USA is the greatest nation on earth today because its founding fathers chose to do what was right and enshrined it in their constitution. In contrast, some countries in Africa reel under the heavy burden of poverty and underdevelopment because their past leaders preferred personal gain to the common good. When ungodly leaders take over the reins of government, political parties and the economy, it comes with devastating consequences for the people.
- There are consequences to rebelling against God and godly cultures. These are God’s judgments. They initially manifest by the taking away of godly leaders and introduction of ungodly ones that mire the country in problems. When this initial warning is not heeded, more punishments then follow. Except the world is judged, the people of the world will not differentiate evil from good.
- God has however preserved a part of the church to be an effective witness to the world that His ways work, and that godly values must be respected by all. As the judgment blows come, so also will the world witness the rising of a glorious church of Jesus Christ. They will be solution providers to problems created by our godless cultures. They will be a place of refuge to nations, businesses, families and individuals who are willing to turn from an ungodly way of life.
- This remnant of the church will become the preeminent institution in the world, serving the nations and showing them the way to rebuild their societies that have been broken down by decades of irreverent living.
The grace of God be with us all. Amen