Wealth Creation and the Mistake of 14+ Years

We write this post to encourage you to review the process by which you are creating wealth. How are you going about creating wealth for yourself? Is it based on your ideas, efforts and network, or based on God’s words and instructions to you? This post takes lessons from the experience of Jacob in the Bible. It shows that if you will learn to make God’s word and His instructions to you the process of your wealth creation, you will become wealthy and fulfil your destiny here on earth. However, if you follow your ideas, efforts and network, you will make the same mistake that cost Jacob 14+ years of his life.
Texts – please read the following Bible passages as you read the post.
(1) Genesis 28:1-5 (2) Genesis 28:10-22 (3) Genesis 29:1-30 (4) Genesis 30:31-43, Genesis 31:1-13
Key Points
(1) Jacob Begins His Quest to Create Wealth (Genesis 28:1-5) – In this passage of scripture we see Jacob begin his journey in wealth creation. He left his home and parents to go abroad in search of greener pastures and to build a family. Some of us have gone through this stage in our lives while the younger ones among us will still go through. It is like when you graduate from college or a technical school and look forward to building a career or business.
(2) Jacob Encounters God and His Word (Genesis 28:10-22) – Jacob had an encounter with God and His word while on his journey abroad. This came to him through a dream. God promised him a lot more than the wealth he was seeking. And that He would not leave Jacob until the promise became a reality in his life. Similarly, most of us (if not all) have come across God and His word (the Bible) at some point in our lives, briefly or extensively. This is your ticket to wealth and much more than wealth. The big question is: what are you doing today with this ticket?
(3) Jacob Abandons His Wealth Ticket (Genesis 29:1-30) – In this passage of scripture we learn about Jacob’s considerable market skills and knowledge in sheep breeding. He spent one month on probation with his uncle (Laban) as an employee on the sheep farm. When asked to name his wages, Jacob defined his salary package as seven (7) years of employment in return for the hand of Laban’s second daughter (Racheal) in marriage. However, he was shortchanged by Laban and he did not recover from this for 14+ years.
Jacob had spent the one-month probation period demonstrating his skill as an employee and desiring Racheal as a wife. He ought also to have spent the month following up with God in prayers to understand the next steps as regards God’s promise to him. This mistake and misplacement of priority cost Jacob dearly. Had Jacob focused on God as the source of his wealth, God would have shown him what to negotiate as his wages. Instead he pursued the wrong thing and ended up with little after 14+ years (Genesis 30:25-30). Are you making the same mistake as Jacob? How are you creating wealth – your own ideas, efforts and network or God’s word and His instructions to you?
(4) Jacob Learns to Prioritize the Wealth Ticket (Genesis 30:31-43; Genesis 31:1-13) – Having served for 14+ years Jacob realized he had increased his expenditure (4 wives and 11 children) without any production assets to cover them. He could not achieve his life dreams but was tied to the apron strings of serving others forever. His ideas, skills, efforts and network in which he trusted had not delivered for him. He repented and sought God in prayers, building on the words God had spoken to him over 14 years ago. God was merciful and sent an angel to give him instructions for wealth – the very instructions he could have received over 14 years back! So, when he was asked to name his wages the second time (21 years after the question was first asked), Jacob renegotiated a new salary package based on the instructions from God. This time around, Laban could not shortchange him – God ensured this. Jacob became so wealthy that his employer envied him. This can be your experience if you repent from dependence on yourself. Trust God to create wealth for you, seek Him daily in prayers, and obey His every word. You will be glad you did!
The mercy and grace of God be with us all. Amen.