Position Yourself Accurately for the Impending Economic Crisis

This post is an exhortation on how to guide your financial affairs during the economic crisis that is now upon the world. The crisis will be global just like the covid-19 pandemic. It is from God. He is shaking the nations in order to cause an economic inversion to happen. This inversion is required because the financial resources of the world must pass from the hands of the ungodly to the godly, so that the godly can provide for the poor and everyone in the economy. They will also fund the last day evangelical move of God in the earth. This is the prophecy of Isaiah from chapters 1-5. Those days prophesied are now upon us. (Adullam Advisor)
The post will focus on a story documented in 1Samuel chapters 29-31. The Philistine nation had declared war on Israel in the days when Saul was the King of Israel. It was a major war as all the five (5) leaders of the Philistine nation were mobilized to battle. So major was this war that Saul, a type of Christian leader, panicked and consulted a witch in his desperation to know what God would direct Him to do. At this same time, the Amalekite nation invaded some parts of Israel and Philistia, especially Ziklag, a suburb of the Philistine country occupied by David and his men. David in the meantime had joined the ranks of the Philistines to go to battle against his own country (Israel). However, the idea of David’s participation in the battle was rejected by the Philistine leaders. He was instructed to return to his base in Ziklag. On getting back to Ziklag, the city had been burnt, his family and those of his men captured and their homes and businesses looted. David will later trust God to recover all he had lost. He recovered all by mounting a successful reprisal attack on the Amalekite army. Saul and Israel were however defeated in the battle without any remedy from God for them.
In this post we will consider the various groups highlighted in the story above. While it was a war in the days of David and Saul, it is a global economic crisis in our day. Please read 1Samuel 29-31 as it will help to deepen your understanding of this post. Hidden in the various groups is a prophetic symbol of the various categories of people that will be in the world during this economic crisis that is now upon us. By understanding each group, you can accurately position yourself and thus escape the impact of the economic crisis. The groups are as follows:
Group 1 – David in Burnt Ziklag
These are people who have suddenly lost their source of income or have had it significantly reduced such that they cannot make ends meet. It includes people who have been sacked from their jobs or have been advised to resign because of the economic crisis. It also includes business owners whose businesses are no longer doing well for one reason or the other. Financial obligations for the family are now difficult to meet. If you are in this situation you are David who has just been rejected from participating in the battle by the Philistine leaders and on returning to Ziklag found it burnt down and his family carried away (carried away by financial lack in the context of this post).
Group 2 – Israel under the Leadership of Saul
These are Christian businesses, employees and leaders in corporate organizations. They typically do business by studying macroeconomic and industry trends, developing business strategies and implementing them. Success for them and the organizations they work for is financial growth only. They labour for more and more money. They understand how to deploy all kinds of business vehicles to support their business – stock exchange moves, bonds, hedge funds, venture capital, debt instruments, financial derivatives, organisation rightsizing, etc. And they are poised to deploy them in the event of an economic crisis. They depend on their human intellectual capacity and reason to run their businesses. They don’t ask God for counsel. They separate God from business. Please read Isaiah 2:6-9 for more clarity on this group.
Group 3 – The Philistine Nation
These are people and businesses who do not believe in Jesus Christ. They do business in much the same way as those in Group 2. In fact, they taught those in Group 2 how to do business. In addition to doing business like those in Group 2, some of them consult the occult for their businesses. For this sub group the foundation and success of their business has its base in occultism. Please read Isaiah 2: 5-6. In a straight fight for control of market resources and share, Group 3 will defeat Group 2 hands down because of the occult power backing their businesses. Please note that in our focus story the Philistines defeated Saul and the Israelite army.
Group 4 – The Amalekite Army
These are the rich dudes in today’s global economy. They sit over a very significant wealth portfolio. They don’t have a personal relationship with God but He has chosen to preserve them and not destroy them. God has given them a special assignment: they are to store up wealth for transfer to the godly when God is ready. Please read Proverbs 28:8, Ecclesiastes 2:26 and 6:1-2. They are like Pharaoh to Joseph, Nebuchadnezzar to Daniel, and Ahasuerus to Mordecai. You belong to this group if you are very rich and your yardstick for success is financial prosperity rather than the fulfillment of God’s will for your life. When God is ready, you will with your own hands give the person God wants to promote access to those financial resources and assets you currently own.
Group 5 – David the Restorer
These are Christians, who having been impacted negatively by the economic crisis, choose to trust God and Him alone for their financial recovery. While others around them are complaining and bitter, they seek God in prayers for guidance and inspiration. Critically, they choose not to stop paying their tithes and offerings or withhold their kindness to the poor. They understand that funding the initiatives of God in the earth and giving to the poor is God’s primary way of providing for His children. They receive specific instructions from the Holy Spirit about what to do in the market to turn their finances around. It is to them God gives the key to what those in Group 4 have stored up. In our scripture text for this write-up, David was kind to a dying man by feeding him. That man became the key to unlock the resources stored up by the Amalekite invaders. On returning from that war, David distributed the spoil to many people in Judah, a metaphor to funding the gospel of Jesus Christ.
In conclusion, it is clear by now that the best place to be is in Group 5. It is okay if you are now located in any other group – but don’t remain there. When the dust of the economic crisis settles, every other group will have lost out. Only those in group 5 will reign in the global markets. To migrate to group 5, spend more time in prayers seeking God as regards your finances, pray a lot more in tongues (the prayer language given to those who have received the baptism of the Holy Spirit) than you have been doing hitherto. The Holy Spirit will honor your heart and direct you. It will be well with you and your finances. Please read 1Samuel 30:4-8; and Isaiah 3:10.
I trust you will prayerfully consider this post as God leads you. The grace of God be with you!