A Loving Message from God to All in the Global Economy
This message announces that God is bringing judgment on the corrupt economic system currently practiced in the world, as the Bible foretells in Psalm 10, and Isaiah 2, 3, 4 & 5. The objective is to save you from financial ruin. I hope you will prayerfully consider its contents and act accordingly. The grace of God be with you. Amen. (June 2020)
God’s Perspective on the Present-Day Global Economy
The Mixed Economic System is the most accepted economic ideology in the world today. It is a system that protects private property and allows a level of economic freedom in the use of capital, while also allowing for governments to interfere in economic activities in order to achieve social aims (Investopedia). However, this system has been corrupted by governments and their wealthy private sector collaborators. Together, they appropriate what should belong to everybody for themselves through clever schemes. Their victims are the poor masses of the world who are helpless (Psalm 10:1-12). The legacy of this corruption has been materialism, poverty, and inequality on a monumental scale. According to Credit Suisse Global Wealth Report (2019), the richest 10% own 82% of the world’s wealth. And nearly half the world lives on less than $5.50 a day (World Bank – 2018). God is now set to deliver the billions of poor people in the world today from the hands of the corrupt wealthy who have disenfranchised them. (Isaiah 10:1-4)
God’s Judgment on the Global Economy
God is now judging the global economy. He will punish the Proud and help the Humble (Psalm 10:12-15). The Proud are the governments, businesses, and individuals who operate in the market based on their own ideas and ambitions without recourse to God and His Word. They idolize financial achievements (Psalm 10:4-5). The Humble are governments, businesses and individuals who acknowledge God’s ownership of the economy, pray to Him, and allow Him to shape their ideas and plans. They understand that they must work with God to reform the economies of the world towards eradicating materialism, poverty and inequality (Psalm 10:16-18).
God will judge the Proud for their greed and materialism. And for operating an economic system based on humanistic philosophy – human ideas, ambitions and strength, and the idolization of financial achievements (Isaiah 2:6-9). He will do this by overthrowing the economic system based on human philosophy they have built for themselves (Haggai 2:20-22). God will do this through: (i) personal financial challenges visited on the Proud (Isaiah 2;20-21, 3;1); (ii) the visitation of calamities on their network of highly placed person in which they trust (Isaiah 3;2-3); and (iii) the weakening of the quality of governance the world currently enjoys (Isaiah 3;4). That is, God will take away noble leaders and replace them with those who are ignoble. Nobility is selflessness, honesty, generosity, courage and high moral principles. But these values will increasingly diminish in governments that choose to remain proud against God. The lack of character and capacity that the ignoble leaders will demonstrate will make them look like children occupying positions meant for adults.
The combination of these judgements on the Proud by God will lead to a wave of economic and financial challenges that will sweep through the countries of the world. The ignoble values promoted by the leaders will cause people to be at each other’s throats. They will stab one another in the back: neighbour against neighbour, young against old, the no-account against the well-respected. The financial incomes of many individuals, families, and businesses will nosedive. The investments made in many multinationals and conglomerates will lie in ruins. And you will be hard pressed to find someone who has the capability to take leadership responsibility to turn things around (Isaiah 3:1-7, Isaiah 5:8-10).
The Financial Prosperity of the Humble
As the judgment of God on the Proud is going on, it will become clear that the Humble are succeeding in their endeavours in the market. They will succeed because they learnt how to secure an economic risk guarantee from the Financial Centres of God’s Economic System (Apostles and Prophets). This guarantee can be found in the prayer of Apostle Paul for members of the church in Philippi who supported his ministry financially (Philippians 4:19). This prayer says: “And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus”. The glory of God will provide a financial covering for the Humble in the midst of a challenging economic environment. This will be their experience as they learn godliness with contentment from the genuine apostolic and prophetic ministers in the church of Jesus Christ, while financially supporting their God-inspired initiatives (Isaiah 4:2-6; 1 Timothy 6:17-19). They will renounce selfishness and the love of money. And embrace love for God and the neighbour.
The financial support of the Humble to God-inspired initiatives will yield a significant flow of funds towards programs that eradicate poverty and inequality. The poor and vulnerable in our societies will rejoice. Many people will gravitate towards the Humble to learn from their value system and practices – God’s Economic System (Isaiah 2:1-4). It will thus be a time of economic inversion. The first will become last and the last will become first. For those who operate in God’s economic system, it will be a time of financial prosperity. For those who do not migrate to God’s economic system it will be a period of financial crisis (Isaiah 3:10-11).
How to Future Proof Our Finances
To escape from the impending financial crisis, God is now enjoining us to migrate our businesses and finances from the economic system based on human philosophy to His economic system. Our goal should no longer be to accumulate financial wealth but to do God’s will, including giving liberally to the gospel of Jesus Christ and the poor/vulnerable. That is, businesses and individuals should give generously to the initiatives God has commanded His genuine apostolic and prophetic ministers in the church of Jesus Christ, to future proof their finances (Isaiah 32:20). In this way we promote right doing, peace and joy in our economies and reduce materialism, inequality and poverty (1 Timothy 6:17-19). While our businesses will grow and be profitable, profit will be a means to an end and not the end itself. The end (our focus) will be eternal life, which is the true wealth. Eternal life is a living relationship with God and His Son Jesus Christ (John 17:3). The peace of God be with us all! Amen.